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Indian cinema is not romantic. Do not remove from real life, only creates myths. Hollywood creates myths, too, but is an observation very well. In India, movies are treated as religion and that is why the stars are so idealized. As the gods in a temple, the characters on the screen are treated with respect. ”

Dhondy was trying to break the mold when he wrote the film Split Wide Open in 1999. “It ‘was the seamy side of life Mumbai – pedophilia, intriguing and wives gay sexuality among the upper classes, and so on, but the censors cut terribly, and when the producer complained, saying it ruins the integrity of the film, The Sari-wearing Indian woman answered. ” Why are you making a fuss? We gave you three “fucks”, what else do you want? “And it was all we got.”

Deepa Mehta was also experimentally tested the limits, but has caused outrage. His 1996 film Fire caused harrumphing lot about his image dull middle-class lesbians, while his successor, water (2005), led to riots. This film has become common knowledge that widows discharged into the temple sanctuaries are often forced into prostitution. Reactionary opposition to the circumstance that appears on the screen much more than the actual practice.

“The Indians go to the movies for eyeglasses and worship,” says Dhondy. “They do not want the truth.” In Britain, no one would display pornography in a church, but in India it is vice versa. Explicit sex is exposed in the temples, while the film does not even have to first base.

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